Welcome to SpeD 2015 Conference Site
October 14-17, 2015 - BUCHAREST, ROMANIA
The 8th International Conference on Speech Technology and
Human-Computer Dialogue
The "SpeD 2015" Organizing Committee invites you to attend the 8th Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue, at Bucharest, Romania. "SpeD 2015" will bring together academics and industry professionals from universities, government agencies and companies to present their achievements in speech technology and related fields.
"SpeD 2015" is a conference and international forum which will reflect some of the latest tendencies in spoken language technology and human-computer dialogue research as well as some of the most recent applications in this area.
"SpeD 2015" is an IEEE and EURASIP technically sponsored Conference.
The Proceedings are included in the IEEE Conference Publication Program (CPP) and are intended to be indexed by the IEEE Xplore database and Conference Proceedings Citation Index - an integrated index within Web of Science.
Organized by
- University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology - Institute for Computer Science - Romanian Academy, Iaši Branch
- Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence "Mihai Draganescu"- Romanian Academy, Bucharest
Under the Aegis of
- Romanian Academy - Section of Information Science and Technology
Technical sponsorship
- The European Association for Signal and Image Processing (EURASIP)
- Speech Analysis, Representations and Models
- Spoken Language Recognition and Understanding
- Text-to-Speech Synthesis
- Machine Translation for Speech
- Affective Speech Recognition, Interpretation and Synthesis
- Speaker Identification and Verification in Biometric Systems and Security
- Audio Based Solutions for Intruder Detection
- Algorithms for Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- Filtering and Transforms for Speech Technology
- Spoken Language Based Systems
- Speech Interface Design and Human Factors Engineering
- Speech Interface Implementation for Embedded / Network-Based Applications
- Natural Language Processing
- Speech and Text Analysis for Prevention and Mitigation of Emergencies and Acute Situations
- Speech Data Mining
- Spoken Dialogue Systems
- Educational/Healthcare Applications
- Assistive Technologies
- Multimodal Processing
- Spoken Language Databases
- Speech Analysis for Linguistics and Phonetics
- Submission of camera-ready papers:
June 15, 2015extended deadline: July 15, 2015 - Notification of acceptance and reviewers comments: September 14, 2015
- Submission of final papers: September 28, 2015
- Conference: October 14-17, 2015.
Latest News
IEEE XploreThe selected papers presented at "SpeD 2015" Conference can be found now in the IEEE Xplore database. The IEEE catalog number for Xplore compliant files: CFP1555H-ART and ISBN: 978-1-4673-7560-3.
29 December 2015
IEEE co-sponsor
IEEE is technical co-sponsor of SpeD 2015 Conference (#37121). The conference appears on the IEEE Conference Search/Call for Papers listing.
07 May 2015
EURASIP co-sponsor
EURASIP is technical co-sponsor of SpeD 2015 Conference.
07 May 2015
Related conferences
SpeD 2015 is a related co-located conference with INTERSPEECH 2015.
15 February 2015
Call for papers
Page published! Click here to view the page.
09 October 2014
Previous editions
SpeD 2013SpeD 2011
SpeD 2009
SpeD 2007
SpeD 2005
SpeD 2003