Registration fees


Registration type Early fee
(by September 15, 2025)
Late or on-site fee
(after September 15, 2025)
Full registration (includes admission to all technical sessions and keynotes, conference USB-drive proceedings, lunch, coffee breaks) Regular rate € 300 € 400
Student rate € 175 € 250
Attendee registration (non-presenting author or guest) Regular rate € 60 € 80
Additional paper registration (for authors of more than two papers) Regular rate € 70 € 80
SpeD 2025 Banquet Regular rate € 40 € 60
Student rate € 25 € 40


Important notes

  • Each accepted paper must be covered by at least one of its authors with a regular or student rate registration.
  • A regular (non-student) registration can cover up to two papers. Additional papers will require full supplementary fees. Student registration covers a single paper.
  • Online registration and payment are preferred. Early registration fees will be confirmed only if the registration form and payment are received before the date indicated above.
  • A student (including PhD) registration must be accompanied by valid proof of student status, which should be sent as a PDF file to the Organizing Committee at the time of registration.
  • Each presenting author and each attendee must register separately.
  • Registration confirmation letters for visa purposes can only be sent to participants who have completed the registration process and paid the registration fee.